Tuesday, March 8, 2011

10 Website Traffic Ideas

webtrafficIf there is one thing that every Internet marketer wants it is more visitors to their website. This topic has been covered in various ways in the past. As a refresher here are 10 of the most popular ways to get more website traffic.

1. Pay per click advertising.
Google Adwords continues to dominate this advertising strategy. However Yahoo Marketing, 7Search, Bidvertiser, and many other paid search engines offer affordable alternatives.

2. Blogging. A well-written blog article can bring search engine traffic. It can also increase the number of subscribers to your RSS feed which can lead to repeat visitors and more traffic.

3. Social bookmarking. To bookmark your blog URL into some of the top social directories use a bookmarking sites such as Social Marker. This helps the search engines to find you and can lead to more website visitors.

4. Article marketing. This is still a great long term strategy for promoting a website. So the reader can easily find you include a link to your website in your resource box.

5. Article videos.
There are services such as Article Video Robot that will convert articles into videos. You then submit it to the top shared video sites such as You Tube and Yahoo.

6. Video marketing. Google owns You Tube which gets 85% of all video traffic. Doing video marketing is a good way to show up in the search engines and create website visitors.

7. Email marketing. Anytime you send a mailing out your list you can include a link back to your website. This should include blog updates and announcing new products.

8. Publish a newsletter.
These are known as Ezines and have been around now for almost 15 years online. This is a good way to provide useful information to people as well as promote products in your online newsletter.

9. Viral marketing. It is a good thing anytime you can get somebody to tell somebody else about your Internet business. Ways to create viral marketing include reports, articles, ebooks, and so on. This could also include posting the video on You Tube that goes viral all over the Internet.

10. Go offline. You can still drive traffic to your website the old fashion way including flyers, business cards, newspaper advertising, and radio. Many times this is dependent upon what your actual budget is as off-line marketing can be expensive.

These are 10 ways to get more website traffic. Rather than concentrating on one specific way if you spread your advertising tactics around your traffic will increase

BY: Website Traffic

How to Attract Links and Increase Web Traffic – The Ultimate Guide

Links and traffic… who wants some?
The number of excellent resources that have come out since the beginning of the year on attracting links and building traffic has really mushroomed. Plus there are some timeless classics that are still very relevant today.
I think it makes sense to compile the very best in one handy location and share it, so here’s my entire collection. If I missed your link and traffic resource let me know and I’ll take a look.
Now, it doesn’t matter if you like the term “link baiting” or not. It’s the process that one goes through to attract links that matters, not whether you prefer to think of your content as bait for links. I like to think that creating content that increases web traffic and builds links simply falls under the general social media marketing buzz phrase that is gaining in popularity.
So, here’s your ultimate “how to” guide to creating content that attracts links and drives traffic in the social media environment:
101 Ways to Build Link Popularity in 2006 | SEO Book
101 Web Marketing Ideas and Tips | SEOpedia
25 Tips for Marketing Your Blog | Online Marketing Blog
10 Remarkably Effective Strategies for Driving Traffic | SEOMoz
8 Reasons Why Lists Are Good for Getting Traffic to Your Blog | Problogger
7 Ways to Get to the Top of the del.ico.us Popular Page | Problogger
3 Ways to Immediately Increase Search Engine Traffic | Performancing
How to Get Traffic For Your Blog | Seth Godin
The Art of Linkbaiting | Performancing
The Art of Blog | SEO Black Hat
What is Linkbaiting? | Modern Life is Rubbish
SEO Advice: Linkbait and Linkbaiting | Matt Cutts of Google
Problogger Link Baiting Series | Problogger
Secrets to Beating the Sandbox 2.0 Revealed | Link Building Blog
What Makes a Site Link-Worthy? | Eric Ward
Using Digg to Attract Hits | Slate
Using Digg and Netscape to Get Traffic | Pronet Advertising
Social Bookmarking for Traffic | SiteProNews
The Sandbox and Delicious | Graywolf’s SEO Blog
Unleashing the IdeaVirus | Seth Godin
Viral Copy | Copyblogger
Building Traffic to Build Your Fan Club | Copyblogger
Trust Rank and Your Domain | Link Building Blog
Generating Buzz With Link Baiting and Viral Campaigns | Search Engine Watch
Linkbaiting for Fun & Profit | Search Engine Journal
Link Building Guide | Jim Westergren
Link Baiting & Effective Link Building | Search Engine Journal
Link Baiting and Viral Search Success | Search Engine Roundtable
How Much is Link Bait Worth? | Cartoon Barry
Link Baiting (How Nick Wilson Created SEO Even Seth Godin Could Love) | Stuntdubl
Link Baiting Case Study from Search Engine Journal | Search Engine Journal
Link Bait | SEO Book
The 8 Free Things Every Site Should Do | Seth Godin at Squidoo
Building Traffic With Article Marketing | Copyblogger
Link Building Blog | Text Link Ads
Link Building Wiki | Text Link Brokers
Advanced Link Building Tactics | SEOMoz
Let me know in the comments if I missed something that isn’t covered by one of these resources. Happy reading!

BY: Internet Marketing Live Updates

Monday, February 28, 2011

Ten Reasons Why Good Link Builders Fail

A good website builder knows that solid links mean solid rankings, but it’s an ever changing challenge to get them. Learn how to avoid a loss of link juice now.

Links are incredibly important in getting relevant traffic and good position in search results, but links are like any other relationship… they can go sour. Here’s a list of ten reasons why otherwise knowledgeable link builders blow their efforts. Pay attention and don’t fall into any of these traps. As a website builder you have got to get this part right or you are heading for disaster.

1. One Hit Wonder 

The worse thing that can happen to websites that stumble onto a source of links or who only rely on one method of building links is for that accident or that plan to actually work. That sounds counter intuitive, but if you convince yourself that only one method is needed, you’re heading for a fall. You need to diversify your efforts and not have all your eggs in one basket.

2. Quantity Not Quality 

The link builder who writes an article, spins it and then uses article submission software can easily develop 1,000 links to a web page in no time at all. The only problem is those links will be worth next to nothing. Building links is not just a numbers game. Links gain their value from the value of their source. A single link from a PR 4 is worth 1,000 links from PR 0 websites.

3. Forgetting that the Webmaster is a Human 

Email requests for a link that are addressed to “Dear Webmaster” are the first to be deleted. If you want to pitch a website for a backlink take the time to find a name to address the request to.

4. Staying Strictly Digital 

If you are an expert in your field don’t be afraid to tell the world… face to face. Volunteer for speaking engagements for your professional organization or even your local chamber. The story on their website will inevitably carry a link to yours.

5. Reliance on Black Hat 

Black hat tactics will work. Time after time somebody has found a way to manipulate the system and anyone who has used it has experienced short term success. But the success is short term and sometimes comes with penalties that get your web pages de-indexed. Black hat isn’t worth the loss of listing.

6. Failure to Keep Up with the Industry 

Link building, like so many aspects of internet marketing is constantly changing. Don’t allow yourself to get complacent. Don’t rely on a strategy that could become ineffective tomorrow. Take an interest in the industry and stay current.

7. No Support Network 

This is a real risk for the small business website in more ways than one. You’re not working in a big SEO shop and you can’t stroll over to a colleague and bounce an idea off them. Try to develop a network of talented website builders that you can call on for help and be ready to help them when they call you.

8. Loss of Creative Spark
There’s more than one way to skin this link cat. Keep your mind open to creative ways to get other quality websites to link to yours. Doing something that is newsworthy for your industry is a sure way to get relevant links back.

9. Building the Perfect Link that Doesn’t Get Implemented

Action and consistency are more important than perfection. If you’re one of those people who are afraid to click on the submit button because you think your link request isn’t absolutely perfect, then just get over it. Live wild and click that button. An imperfect link request has more value in building relationships than a perfect request that is never sent.

10. Becoming Lazy 

OK you could change lazy with complacent, but it’s the same thing. Link building is a tough skill and not nearly as much fun as website design or even creating content. If you have built a few successful links don’t count on those being around forever. Continue your efforts and you’ll continue to enjoy quality traffic.
Link building is a task that every website builder has to have at least a working knowledge of. If you see yourself slipping into one of these ten common symptoms of link trouble, snap yourself out of it and double up on the building efforts. The leads and conversions that you gain from the relevant links are your reward for diligently performing this important function.